The valley should know how lucky we are to have people like those at the San Lorenzo Valley Water District there for more than just our water needs. At a time when so many people are having tough times and have many complaints regarding the cost of living in general, I just want to make it known how much help and guidance we received recently from Jim Mueller and Joel Busa at SLVWD.
My son Seamus recently did a report on water filtration for his science fair project, and I called Jim to inquire about the possibility of some information from a knowledgeable source. He told me I would be getting a call from Joel Busa, in charge of the water quality (among other things) at the district. Joel called immediately, and we set up a meeting on a Friday, on his own time after work. My son and I spent an hour with Joel, asking questions and drawing diagrams regarding the types of filtering we have here in the valley, and discussing how fortunate we are to have such excellent water quality, as well.
I just want to thank Joel (and Jim for graciously setting up the meeting) for so willingly giving of his time to an eighth-grader wanting to learn about something so important as the water we drink here in the San Lorenzo Valley. More than the A-plus grade my son received on his science fair project is the education and experience we both had that day. Thank you, Joel and the rest at SLVWD, for being small-town-minded and giving back to the community.