R.J. Matson’s cartoon in the March 19 Press-Banner depicts the supposed woes of the middle-age male, who is left to bear the “overwhelming burden” of medical care costs while the old duffer on Medicare throws away his cane. What pure hypocrisy from a 47-year-old!
I would gladly trade my Medicare card to be 25 years younger. The problem with Mr. Matson and the “end-of-life” socialized medicine he and his liberal cronies advocate is that they see seniors as a drag on their financial success. I notice that he didn’t depict the tax burden that seniors carry for government benefits and services that younger people receive.
I doubt you will find any senior who thinks Mr. Matson’s “mid-life crisis” whine deserves publication on the back of a matchbook — much less the robust 19 column-inches the Press-Banner opinion section granted him.