Thomas Wynn’s Wynn Capital Management of Ben Lomond landed in the top 9 percent among more than 1,000 equity managers ranked on one-year results by Money Manager Review, an online magazine for investors and money managers.
The review rated Wynn 92nd overall of 1,037 firms based on return and level of risk. The managers were rated in different types of equities and levels of investment aggressiveness.
In seven applicable categories, Wynn’s average ranking was in the 87th percentile. It ranked third of 66 managers investing in high-quality companies with large capitalization, or “large cap core” investments.
Over three years, Wynn was ranked in the top 12 percent or 117th overall of 975 managers. It ranked fifth of 57 managers in the large cap core category and was in the 81st percentile on average in the seven applicable categories.
The firm topped all managers in 5-of-21 categories measuring least amount of risk and was first, second or third in 13-of-21 applicable risk categories.
A relatively small investment advisory firm, Wynn manages $8.2 million for 42 clients. For information: or 336-4367.
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