I’m writing because of a deep concern I have regarding a problem that faces us all — that is, our dysfunctional state government. It has become apparent that our present Constitution has been so distorted by numerous propositions, initiatives and amendments added over the years that the California government is not only broken, but has become destructive to our future. To cite a few examples:
- Boom-and-bust government financing and inequitable taxation polices
- Decline of schools, highways, water systems and overcrowded prisons
- Distortion of the proposition process by special-interest groups
- Gerrymandering and term limits, which produce ideologically extreme legislators
- The two-thirds vote requirement needed to pass the annual budget
We can bypass the gridlock of the state Legislature with a citizens’ constitutional convention. I urge you to go online to www.repaircalifornia.org to learn more about how we can help resolve the mess we’re in.
Michael Ulwelling, Scotts Valley