Ten vehicles were reportedly broken into on the night of May 30-31, according to the Scotts Valley Police Department.
The break-ins, which took place at nine residences along Tan Oak Drive, Pinecone Drive, Baja Sol Drive and Baja Sol Court, are similar to a series of break-ins that happened on the north side of Scotts Valley the previous weekend, said Lt. John Wilson.
All the burglarized vehicles had been left unlocked. Items stolen from them ranged from iPods and laptop computers to bowling balls, Wilson said.
Wilson said that while police are investigating, he advised residents to take preventative measures to ward off thieves.
Wilson said there are no leads yet to the identity of the culprits.
“Obviously, lock your cars, but don’t leave anything of value in your vehicles,” he said.
Locked cars with visible valuables inside also tempt would-be thieves into breaking a window or otherwise damaging the vehicle to gain access.

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