Verrerie Goods in Boulder Creek will host local author, Loretta Halter, who will read a portion of her new book, “A Voice for the Redwoods,” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. The store is at 13155 Highway 9, Ste. A, in downtown Boulder Creek.
Halter will also invite children to decorate terracotta pots, write poetry and sing.
For information: 338-6819.
New owner for Cyclesport
Manager Andrew Cavaletto bought and assumed operation of Scotts Valley Cyclesport from longtime owner Mike Columbani on June 1.
Cavaletto, who has worked at the store for seven years while managing it for the past four, said the store will retain its flavor and customer-friendly approach.
“Everything will remain pretty much the same,” Cavaletto said.
However, the store is launching a new Web site in the next few weeks and will offer a free “basic flat” class on the first Tuesday of each month.
To register: 440-9070.
Zero motorcycle leads Wharf to Wharf
A rider on a Zero S electric motorcycle led the annual Wharf to Wharf Race last weekend. Wally Walker, who paced the race on the same gas-powered motorcycle for the past 20 years, decided to make the change to the environmentally friendly Zero S.
Walker rode the recently launched bike on the 6-mile course ahead of the more than 15,000 runners who participated this year.

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