Cabrillo College students, including Ben lomond residents Gabriela Navarrete and Bryan Gildereal, will face increased enrollment fees, which spiked 30 percent this year. Lucjan Szewczyk/Press-Banner

The wallets of Cabrillo College students will feel a little lighter than last year when fall semester rolls around.
A bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on July 28 increased enrollment fees at California community colleges by 30 percent.
At Cabrillo, that increases the cost per unit from $20 to $26. A full-time student with 12 units will pay $312, compared with $240 before the increase.
Students who have already paid for the upcoming fall semester must pay the additional $6 per unit. The fee increase will be covered for students who qualify for the board of governors fee waiver.
“This is a very challenging time for our students,” said Rebecca Garcia, Cabrillo’s governing board chairwoman. “The students’ fee increase means those students who need us the most at this time may be unable to attend Cabrillo.”
However, though costs are rising, attending Cabrillo is still less expensive than attending a public four-year university in California.
While tuition for a full-time student at Cabrillo is $312 per semester, a full-time student attending a California State University campus pays tuition of $2,013 each semester.
And at the University of California, Santa Cruz, tuition is $2,232 per quarter.
As costs rise for college students, Cabrillo President Brian King encourages students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
“A completed FAFSA means we can determine whether or not a student is eligible for even more financial assistance, such as textbook purchases and living expenses, among other items,” he said. “Our financial aide advisers are able to assist Cabrillo students with applying for financial aid and scholarships.”
At a glance
For information on financial aid:

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