Felton resident Joy Churchman came home a big winner during the Felton Library Friends’ third annual ice cream social.
Churchman, who has lived in Forest Lakes for 34 years, attended last weekend’s festival at the urging of her neighbor, Nancy Hoffman.
“We went together,” Churchman said. “I didn’t take my purse with me, but I felt that I really should have tickets in that drawing.”
Churchman, who lives on her monthly Social Security check, saw the plentiful raffle items, including a $100 gift certificate to New Leaf Market.
She bought four tickets at $5 each with a loan from Hoffman and put two into the drawing for the “shopping spree.” Before she knew it, she was leaving the festival with the certificate to New Leaf.
Churchman said the winnings would help her buy groceries for the month.
“I thought (the festival) was charming,” she said. “It was nice to see the boys in their Boy Scout uniforms and to see the children hanging around the book table.”
The festival, combined with a donation from New Leaf Market, raised more than $5,000 toward the efforts to pay for furnishings and library equipment once funding is secured to build the library itself.