Kiwanis Club of Scotts Valley
The club made a commitment to donate labor to the Annette Marcum Community Garden project that will be undertaken by the City of Scotts Valley this spring. Club members preformed clean up of our section of Highway 17. The band selection for this year’s Music at Skypark concert series has been completed and will be announced soon. The club continues to solicit help from non-members for this event. Recent speakers included Matt McDowell on behalf of the proposed Children’s Discovery Museum, and troop leaders from the club sponsored Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops. Officers from the UCSC Kiwanis Circle K Club visited, and fun was had by all as they ran the meeting in their youthful fashion. The club also made a donation to the Scotts Valley Community Theatre Guild. Kiwanis meets 7 a.m. every Wednesday morning at Bruno’s BBQ, 230-G Mount Hermon Road. The second Wednesday of each month is an evening meeting at Bruno’s at 6:30 pm.
Scotts Valley Rotary
The club had a very successful trip to Guatemala. They provided stoves with vents to many villagers that live in huts made out of mud, scraps of wood and metal with dirt floors. This is crucial to their health, as lung disease is high due to cooking and heating with wood and previously, no ventilation. The club also provided shoes, eyeglasses, school supplies, medical supplies and hosted a health fair with classes on sanitation and first aid. One young man, who could only see his hand right in front of his face, was given eye glasses and it was miraculous for him to be able to see faces and everything else around him. Several members of the club visited the Ronald McDonald House near Stanford and cooked and served brunch for all the families living there. The club continues with their Pay It Forward. Members do random acts of kindness.
The Valley Women’s Club
The Annual Meeting last Sunday brought together Valley Women’s Club members, friends and members of the public, and featured updates by State Senator Bill Monning Aide Leslie Villegas, State Assembly Member Mark Stone and 5th District Supervisor Bruce McPherson. A personal note from Congress Member Anna Eshoo was read. All enjoyed the potluck and music by talented local musicians. Club Committees reported on 2013 and plans for 2014.
The Women’s Issues Committee will welcome back Isadora Duncan authority Lois Flood for a dance workshop to teach Isadora’s graceful and powerful style. The Environmental Committee will work on watershed restoration (tear down ivy from your trees!) and install additional cigarette butt receptacles.
Nonprofits will again benefit from the Redwood Mountain Faire (May 31 – June 1). Special bags for every incoming kindergartener (with a book and skill-building supplies) will be distributed. Scholarships will be presented to SLV High graduates. Check out the website:
SLV Rotary
The San Lorenzo Rotary Club will make phone calls for Mountain Community Resource’s Phone-a-thon on Tuesday, February 25 and 26 as the club’s February Community Service project. The speech contestant from SLV High School will travel to the Area Speech Contest at Santa Cruz Rotary Club on February 28. On March 8, club members will join other Rotary Club members in Santa Cruz County for a Santa Cruz Warriors game for a Rotary night at the Warriors.
Visit for a meeting and speaker schedule for March. The SLV Rotary Club meets on Wednesdays at 7:15 a.m. in Birch Dining Room, 37 Conference Drive at Mount Hermon Conference Center. Cost is $10.
Scotts Valley Host Lions
The club will host its 44th Annual Crab Cioppino Feed and Dance this Saturday, March 1 at the CPDES Hall, 216 Evergreen Street at Harvey West Park in Santa Cruz. Tickets can still be purchased. Call 429-2017. $50 per person, tax deductible. All proceeds benefit local youth and community activities.
The club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and the 4th Tuesday at 7 a.m. at Scotts Valley Senior Center, 370 Kings Village Road.
Contributors to this column are Jim Melehan for SV Kiwanis, Jackie Maurer for SV Rotary, Nancy Macy for Valley Women’s Club, Priscilla Weiss for SLV Rotary and Karen Shipley for SV Lions.

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