Kiwanis of the Valleys
Kiwanis of the Valleys had a busy December, as members joined with sponsored Kiwanis youth groups to wrap more than 75 gifts for the annual Big Brothers and Big Sisters Holiday luncheon at Shadowbrook.
The gifts were then distributed at the event on Saturday, Dec. 6, with Kiwanis members and their families in full costume as Santa and his elves.
The club made a donation of $750 to Valley Churches United’s annual Christmas Project. The southbound section of Highway 17 in Scotts Valley looked a bit tidier when club members braved wet conditions to perform highway clean-up. The club also pitched in to help with the dismantling of the very successful Scotts Valley Educational Foundation Christmas tree lot on Saturday, Dec. 20.
The mobile stage used by the club for numerous local events officially became Kiwanis property when club member Glen Soma generously signed over ownership of the stage to the club on behalf of his family.
The Kiwanis meet at 7 a.m. every Wednesday morning at Bruno’s BBQ. The second Wednesday of each month is an evening meeting at Bruno’s at 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit
Scotts Valley Rotary Club
Scotts Valley Rotary Club enjoyed their annual Christmas Party at Bruno’s BBQ and the members of the club provided Christmas gifts to foster children in Santa Cruz County. Members of the club also helped with the community event Gabriella’s Snow Day, which benefits Team G Childhood Cancer Foundation.
Valley Women’s Club
This is the season for change, and the Valley Women’s Club has many changes taking place.
VWC members are voting for new board members this month, and saying good-bye to others. More details will be coming in January.
David Wright, the club’s director of recycling, has resigned and is moving into an exciting new partnership doing strategic planning, and will be missed.
Dave brought some important changes to the centers’ operations, especially improvements like streamlining and computerizing the burdensome California Refund Value (CRV) paperwork at the three SLV recycling centers, and helping the VWC produce its on-line newsletter.
Both CRV and drop-off recycling are available at VWC’s centers in Boulder Creek on Highway 9, behind the Village Wash & Dry; in Ben Lomond at the County Refuse Transfer Station; and in Felton at the intersection of Gushee and Hihn streets.
Watch for styrofoam recycling, coming early in 2015. Best wishes to Dave in the future. A half-time recycling director is being sought, and a job description may be found online on the VWC website in the article about Dave’s departure.
 Within the past few months, the VWC Environmental Committee had a very successful “Environmental Town Hall” in Felton with Assembly Member Mark Stone.
A busy 2015 is in the works, with continued work in watershed protection and restoration, including litter reduction (especially cigarette butts), invasive plant removal, and more.
The VWC encourages everyone to be aware of the new “Spare the Air Program” of the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District.
The Women’s Issues Committee welcomed Lois Flood back for a dance workshop in the style of Isadora Duncan.
Ms. Flood is an expert in the life and dance style of Duncan, who helped empower women and girls in the early 1900s.
Twenty-five local women and girls were inspired to dance in her style — and learned the reasons why Duncan had such an impact in her lifetime and since.
The Education and Scholarship Committees have exciting projects coming in 2015, as does the Community Grants Committee.
And local bands are encouraged to apply to play at the Redwood Mountain Faire, coming May 30 and 31 in 2015.
Visit for information. Artists and artisans will find applications online too.
The VWC wishes the best of holiday seasons to everyone, and reminds members of the community that they are encouraged to join the VWC to help make a difference in environmental, educational, social and political concerns that affect the SLV and its environs.
Visit the website for more information:

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