
On June 10, the procession of teachers and graduating students marched into the football field where families and friends were waiting to observe the 2015 graduation ceremony, and together, they marked the culmination of four years of intense learning, social and athletic achievements. As the class of 2015 received their diplomas, everyone was able to express their own brand of celebratory hoorahs, and even some families shed a few thankful tears as they watched their young family members graduate from SVHS.
As Shelby Kranich, Class of 2015 President welcomed the guests to the Commencement Ceremony; a hush came over the audience. One by one, Kranich announced the participants who were listed on the program. The pledge of allegiance was lead by Ethan Powers, the national anthem was sung by Maureen Bach, Nicole Olivas, and Evandra Ramirez. Principal Valarie Bariteau greeted those present while student speakers Cole Amodeo and Charles Cellucci reminded us about their past four years of great experiences. Keynote speaker, Kelly Cox shared with us what it was like to be the Attendance Secretary and showed great pathos with her recollections of the past four years. Valedictorian James Merlow and Salutatorian Nicholas Heath spoke with clarity and humor as they described the shared events that glued Class of 2015 together as friends for life.
In behalf of all the 163 graduating students, James Merlow and Nicholas Heath voiced a message to the Press-Banner to thank their parents for all the support that they had received. The list of members of Class of 2015 indicated that the majority of the graduates were headed off to college while some were going in to military service or had accepted a job offer. For sure, all 163 are headed for the next step in their lives. 

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