Suellene Petersen

To all of the folks who have dropped by our offices, sent emails or called on the phone to welcome me as the new editor, I want to say “thank you.” I am encouraged by the sense of community shown by the people who read our paper. I have enjoyed seeing the intense determination many have for keeping our home area a place that we can all enjoy.
I know that many of the Press-Banner readers easily relate to mountain living whether in Felton, Boulder Creek, Scotts Valley, and Ben Lomond or in Santa Cruz. We all live in a unique area that provides many opportunities to enjoy the mountains or the beach and be able to travel between the two extremes within a few minutes travel time. We also share the downside, which currently is expressed by the impact of drought and a fire-prone environment.
This is also a community that is generous with their volunteer time. Large numbers of our local residents are involved with supporting various fund raising organizations that provide help for various community needs or emergency services. I have met many of you who fit into that group. You never tire of providing your service, and you don’t seek public recognition. Thank you all for making our community a better place.
I don’t know how you would define what a community is, but I think of it as more than a group of contiguous neighborhoods hooked together by geographic borders. To me, the idea of a community infers that we have large collections of people who can find time to recognize the needs of others and also be able to accept help when it is needed and offered. Sometimes that means that our artists hang their paintings in a storefront downtown so that others can enjoy an occasional art show. Sometimes it means that a group is providing a free meal for homeless people so that those in need can enjoy a meal and companionship. Sometimes it means that our local fireman put out the fire that threatens us. Sometimes it means that our local police officers exchange their uniforms for running togs, and run a race to raise funds for the Special Olympics. I have seen elements of people in our immediate geographic area that do these things. They are “my community.”
What is done in our community has been a main topic for editors of the Press-Banner to write about and to publish so that we are all informed about the opportunities available to us. People in our community are amazingly loyal to their home towns and the events that occur here. We are people who are generous, friendly and when the officer changes back into uniform after running a race and provides a speeding ticket, we might even be a bit grumpy if we are the person that just received it. Who ever we are and what ever we do, we all have a contribution of some sort to make to the community.
Many people have asked me what new direction that our community based newspaper, the Press-Banner; will take in the near future. What kind of changes can be expected in the subject material of our stories and how will our reportage be different. Those are great questions. Thanks for asking them. Now, I am inviting you to tell me what kind of changes that you would like to see made, or maybe you prefer to make no changes. Please share your ideas. Write and tell me what kinds of stories and events that you would like to read about in the Press-Banner. You can reach me by sending an email to [email protected]. You could also just drop in and say “hi.”

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