Deadline to sign petitions for SB277 referendum approaches this month. The SB277 is California’s new vaccine mandate for children in school.

The referendum asks that personal belief exemptions remain valid in the state of California. If the law stays on track, such exemptions will no longer be allowed. Children will be required to be vaccinated based on the government’s recommended schedule. Those who do not want the vaccines will be denied entry into school.

For families who are concerned about their constitutional and parental rights, time is running out to get informed and take a stand.

Several local parents have the petitions on hand for people to sign, and are available to discuss the ramifications of the new law, which is scheduled to take effect in 2016.

SB277 is just the tip of the iceberg. Since its passing earlier this year, other laws have been making their way through the legislation, which require adult vaccinations to be current as well.

While it’s obvious that nobody wants dormant, crippling diseases to come back into society, it’s important to note that these bills have been passed without voter approval.

Both the pro and against viewpoints have scientific backing. Being informed on both sides

of the story is the best way to make decisions.

It’s always up to the individual to decide what’s best for them, but SB277 takes that choice away.

Fore more information on the referendum, visit

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