Bruce McPherson officially launches re-election campaign for Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors
On September 30, Bruce McPherson announced that he has officially launched his re-election campaign for Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors District 5.
“I am very proud of all that we have accomplished during my first term,” McPherson said. “Working collaboratively with people from throughout the 5th District and across Santa CruzCounty, we have been able to make our community a better place to live, work and play.” During his first term in office McPherson has focused on a variety of important issues.
He was a lead supporter for placing more sheriff’s deputies on patrol, brought closure to an 8-year old lawsuit between the City of Scotts Valley and the County of Santa Cruz, secured the donation of land for a new library in Felton, helped create the County’s new economic development department and delivered much-needed road and lighting improvements along the Highway 9 corridor.
“I am been deeply honored to serve the people of the San Lorenzo Valley, Scotts Valley, and Santa Cruz but there is still much work to be done,” said McPherson. “I believe my dedication to the community, ability to bring people together to solve challenging issues and strong leadership skills make me uniquely qualified to continue representing the 5th District.” McPherson is campaigning for the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors District 5, which includes the San LorenzoValley, ScottsValley and portions of Santa Cruz. Election Day is Tuesday, June 7, 2016.
Contact: Bruce McPherson – (831) 345-4800
Water Supply Advisory Committee Report
On Friday, October 23, the Democratic Women’s Club of Santa Cruz County will sponsor a luncheon program on the work of the Santa Cruz Water Supply Advisory Committee. DWC Co-Chair, and member of WSAC, Mike Rotkin will present the water supply plan that was unanimously adopted by the WSAC and explain how it will address our community’s water needs for the next couple of decades.
Lunch is at 11:30 a.m. and the program is at 12:00 p.m. It will be at the Santa Cruz Police Department Community Room, 155 Center Street, Santa Cruz. It is open to the public.
Lunch $8 with RSVP; or $10 at the door.
To RSVP, contact Carol Fuller at 423-2356 or [email protected]
Time for Flu Shots
California Department of Public Health Director and State Health Officer, Dr. Karen Smith, urges Californians to get the influenza (flu) vaccine as soon as it becomes available.
“Unlike some other infections, a person with influenza may be contagious and infect others before they have or show any symptoms,” said Dr. Smith. “Annual vaccination is the most reliable way to protect against infection and, therefore, stop transmission of influenza to others.”
Each year, flu causes millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands or sometimes tens of thousands of deaths in the United States. To reduce this threat, CDPH recommends the annual flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older, including pregnant women.
Two of this season’s vaccine components, the influenza A (H3N2) and influenza B (Yamagata lineage) strains, have been updated to match the viruses Californians are likely to face during the upcoming flu season.
Flu can cause severe disease across all ages. According to the California Influenza Surveillance Report recently published, there were 78 influenza-associated deaths reported in persons less than 65 years of age in California during the 2014-15 influenza seasons.
Common symptoms of the flu include fever or feeling feverish, a cough and/or sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, chills, fatigue and body aches. Children may also have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
To stop the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses, Californians should also:
–          Stay home when sick
–          Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue and properly dispose of the used tissue
–          Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
–          Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Dr. Smith encourages Californians to contact their health care provider, physician’s office, clinic or pharmacy about obtaining the flu vaccine. Some local health departments may also offer low or no cost flu immunizations.
To find a flu vaccine location near you, visit
The 2015 Hammer-Marcum Award Honorees Announced
The Valley Women’s Club is excited to announce the honorees for the 2015 Hammer-Marcum Award, Jim Rapoza and Hallie Greene. Both honorees underscore the interests and concerns that epitomize the San LorenzoValley community
Hallie represents SLV’s ‘neighbors -helping – neighbors – ideal’, promoting local businesses, and supporting non-profit organizations.
Jim epitomizes the vital importance of individuals providing public service, expanding opportunities for children through education, and promoting stewardship of our watershed.
The VWC ( created the “Volunteer Recognition Award” in 1987, specifically to honor Mary Hammer, a Boulder Creek resident and Annette Marcum, founder of Valley Churches United Mission. The award then became “The Hammer-Marcum Award.” Annette and Mary embodied the ideal of long-term volunteer commitment, having given thousands of hours to improve the quality of life of local residents, and they continued to do so over a quarter century later. (Annette died in 2014, and Mary continues to serve). Jim and Hallie join the forty-six others honored in their names since the Award was established.
The entire community is invited to the Award celebration in their honor on Sunday, October 25th, 1:30-3:30 p.m., at the Highlands Park Senior Center. Our government representatives will join in the celebration in their honor. State Senator Bill Monning; State Assembly Member Mark Stone; and our 5th District Supervisor Bruce McPherson, will be there in person to present tributes to the honorees. Congress member Anna Eshoo is sending her representative to give special recognition.
The event features delicious desserts provided by Jeri Green Oneto (past Hammer-Marcum Award recipient) and Renee Kuehl, wonderful music by talented pianist, Steve Abrams, as well as special presentations honoring the recipients.
Free childcare is available; please indicate you will need it when you RSVP. If possible, RSVP by October 18th. You may reserve by sending $12 to the Valley Women’s Club, P.O. Box 574, Ben Lomond, CA95005; reserve by emailing or calling Pam Spehar, <[email protected]>, or 246-1206. Scholarships to attend are available if the cost is prohibitive.
Santa Cruz Prepares for El Niño
Given predictions of a stormy El Niño winter, the City of Santa Cruz has been working to prepare for heavy rainfall. Public Works and Parks and Recreation crews have completed many storm preparation projects throughout the city focused on vegetation management and the cleaning of storm drains, pump stations and drainage areas. Plans for flood event “hot-spot” areas are also in place. Staff is preparing several outreach efforts to connect with community members, particularly those in low lying areas, to ensure they are prepared for potential flood events related to heavy rainfall.
“The city is preparing for an 82/83 level El Niño winter. While the city and our partners are doing all we can to prevent flooding, we are also reaching out to the community to make sure they are prepared for heavy rainfall and flooding, so they know what to do in advance to stay safe,” said City Manager Martín Bernal.
The city continues to hold regular meetings to identify and mitigate potential El Niño risks. A public outreach campaign is in the works to help citizens stay safe and protect their property during the predicted El Niño event. Campaign elements will include community meetings and sandbag workshops. The city recommends that all citizens begin winter storm preparations now. Prep material is available at:
All six of the city’s pump stations have been cleaned; their pump generators and transfer switches have been fueled and tested. Modifications have been made since the December 2014 storm event; the pump stations are now fitted with new and larger debris screens to combat flooding. Water levels at all pump stations are monitored by telemetry that provides notification to city staff of any issues 24 hours a day.
A downloadable brochure with steps to take before, during, and after a severe storm is available on the City’s website at: This link also provides information on Santa Cruz flood zones, sandbags and the National Flood Insurance Program.

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