Ever hear of the National Novel Writing Month familiarly referred to as NaNoWriMo? It’s a national event geared to inspire and motivate budding authors to write a novel in 30 days.
When all your fitness-crazy friends and relatives say they are training for another marathon, you can say you are also doing a marathon – of writing.
The whole month of November, you can sit down and write the first draft of that novel you’ve been thinking of writing your whole life.
Writing groups are meeting “to take advantage of the support and inspiration you’ll find in person” with webcasts and author talks at libraries throughout the county. You can even join Facebook Event to receive updates on scheduled authors and webcasts, and Santa Cruz Public Library is joining in facilitating this national event locally.
Participants sign up for the national program on nanowrimo.org, which, according to the library’s newsletter, “provides a wealth of resources and inspiration to keep those creative juices flowing.”
As the NaNoWriMo website title page says: “The world needs your novel.”
For even more inspiration and motivation, ScottsValley teens can meet at the Scotts Valley Library on Wednesdays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Adults also meet on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Felton Library has Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. scheduled for the project
For specifics, please call 427-7708.

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