
I reside at the end of a privately maintained old lumber road. On Friday, January 22, Scenic Way was blocked to all inbound and outbound traffic due to downed tree/power lines. Our neighborhood is fortunate to have an alternative access route when either Scenic or Park Drive closes. When one road closes, all residential traffic is funneled through this private section. With more than a hundred vehicles passing through, the road quickly turned to thick mud; previous hardpan turned into deep pot holes, and two cars ended up in the drainage ditch.
As a neighbor who wants to keep that access open for ALL, I started asking passing neighbors of Scenic Way for donations for base rock. I introduced myself and politely asked for any donations they could offer. In the past twenty years my husband and I have spent over $3,000 maintaining that section of dirt road; I thought nothing of asking our neighbors for help. We have done this in the past without incident.
Imagine my surprise when I was cornered by two CountySheriff vehicles as an officer jumped out accusing me of accosting my neighbors for money! The officers had responded to one complaint that I was blocking the thoroughfare. I didn’t know if I was the suspect or a victim! I think we were all victims as that call took our officers off-line during a blustery day.
To my neighbors that graciously offered monetary support for OUR neighborhood’s only emergency road, I thank you! To my neighbor “threatened” by a middle-aged woman carrying an umbrella, I am no longer allowed to ask for roadside donations.
We will address this “emergency” access to (Supervisor) McPherson; maintenance could be costly to the County. As Mark Twain says, “The only two certainties in life are death and taxes.” In our case, “increased property” taxes.
Pamela Ackley, Ben Lomond

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