Loch Lomond spillway overflows into Newell Creek, shown here, upstream from Ben Lomond.

The City of Santa Cruz Water Department announced that because of this week’s storm, the Loch Lomond Reservoir in Lompico filled to capacity early Wedesday and began spilling into Newell Creek.

Newell Creek flows through Ben Lomond to the San Lorenzo River. Loch Lomond Reservoir spills at 577.3 feet elevation. At this time in January 2016 the lake was at 558.70 feet elevation. The reservoir was reopened to public recreation last March after being closed in October 2013 because of low water levels.

Loch Lomond Reservoir is the City of Santa Cruz’s only drinking water reservoir and holds 2.8 billion gallons of water, or about one year’s worth of drinking water for city residents.

Though much of the state continues to suffer from drought, Santa Cruz County received normal rainfall in 2016, which filled the reservoir and provided relief from two consecutive years of water rationing.

“Having a full reservoir is a great start to the new year,” said Rosemary Menard, Santa Cruz water director. “Though it’s too early to tell how this water year will be classified, whether it will be a normal or wet year, we are off to a promising start.”

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