Patrice Mcginnis

Scotts Valley resident Patrice Maginnis was announced this week as the recipient of the Be the Difference Award from the Santa Cruz Volunteer Center.
Maginnis has been legally blind since birth and lost all of her sight a decade ago but has dedicated her time and energy to Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She retired from a 30 year career as an educator in 2013 and turned her teaching skills to the Vista Center’s clients, even helping establish and run a series of tech-user related classes and workshops for people who are blind or visually impaired.
“We have been incredibly gifted with Patrice’s generosity in time, efforts and ideas that have helped develop and grow Vista Center’s vibrant Technology Program,” Christy Tall, branch manager for Vista Center, wrote in a news release announcing Maginnis’ award from the Volunteer Center.
“At Vista Center we know vision loss need not be a barrier to independence. Patrice embodies this vision and goes beyond by teaching others how to increase their independence with today’s ever-changing technological advances,” Vista Center Executive Director Pam Brandin wrote. “Patrice is a star and we are very fortunate to have her as part of our team.”
The Be the Difference Award was created to celebrate the 50 people, groups and businesses in Santa Cruz County who are transforming the community through volunteerism.
Maginnis will be honored at the Volunteer Center’s 2017 recognition luncheon at the Cocoanut Grove Ballroom in Santa Cruz on Oct. 27. People can buy tickets at

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