You don’t need to become an athlete to be strong and healthy. It can be as simple as just taking daily walks while getting your heart rate up. (Contributed)

Think of how much time in a day you spend sitting? You sit in your car to and from work. You sit at your desk working the majority of the time. Then you come home and sit down to relax. Did you know that sitting for long periods of time brings you at a higher risk for shortening your lifespan as well as losing bone density. 

Excess sitting is linked with many diseases and conditions, including obesity, hypertension, back pain, cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and depression. If you can’t move well, it may be a sign that you aren’t as healthy as you could be. The great thing about this is in most cases, you can change your lifestyle around and become an active, healthier and stronger person.

Humans are made for movement. Your body is designed to run, jump and move functionally without restrictions or discomfort. Your body should be getting an adequate amount of both, weight-bearing activity and getting your heart rate up with physical activity. Whatever fitness level you are at, just start there and build up endurance and strength.

Think of it this way… How you treat your body in your younger years, highly affects how your body treats you in your older years. If you are still on the younger side, a great question to ask yourself is… “What shape do I want my body to be when I’m older?” If you are on the older side, a great question to ask yourself is… “How can I move my body more to have a better quality of life?”

It pains me to know how sedentary our society is. You don’t need to become an athlete to be strong and healthy. It can be as simple as just taking daily walks while getting your heart rate up. It can be riding your bike and going for a leisure ride along the coast while getting your heart rate up. Picking up a racket and playing pickleball. Or it can be a 30-minute training session using your own bodyweight. Whatever you decide, try to be consistent each week and challenge yourself a little more each week.

Now how is your mindset? How happy are you? A portion of your happiness is based on how your body feels daily. You may not recognize it, but your mood has a lot to do with how your body is functioning. If your body is communicating to your mind that you are sedentary or weak, that might create underlying feelings of depression, anxiety or insecurity. 

On the other hand, moving and building strength should create positive changes to your mind, such as feelings of happiness, confidence and positivity. When you feel good in your skin, you generally are in a better mood.

Healthy Bodies + Healthier Minds = Happier Lives.

Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business LaMorte Lift. Learn more at

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Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business, LaMorte Lift. Learn more at


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