Small victory for justice and equality for all
Dear Press Banner, I was surprised and delighted to see the photo of a crashed police car in your December issue (“Messy December Weather Leads to Crashes,” Dec. 22). More smashed-up police cars, please.
As we’ve seen over the last few years, the police in America have a long history of abuse of power against poor communities and people of color. While we may not see as much blatant violence against people of color in our mostly white California mountain communities, there is still a pervasive culture of authoritarianism that affects all citizens.
This is especially troubling when you consider the close relationship between American law enforcement and the military-industrial complex.
Our brave boys in blue are often trained by military personnel and given surplus military equipment. This creates an environment where our domestic police forces are more militarized against their citizens than ever.
This connection becomes even more disturbing when you look at the international stage, where American military aid supports foreign forces like those currently massacring Palestinians in Gaza.
So yes, let’s celebrate every smashed-up police car as a small victory for justice and equality for all.
Wes Modes
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