The Felton Historic Covered Bridge Park needs standard restrooms! The existing two, one person use “portable” little boxes are totally inadequate.
Bathrooms were on the Town Plan for the park when it was built. The park development plan was never finished. It is about time for us to build adequate bathrooms. Bathrooms were on the top of the list that residents of Felton listed in Bruce McPherson’s recent two Felton town hall meetings.
We can build a large, standard-sized permanent building, much like the rest-stop bathrooms along California’s highways, which will accommodate at least four men and four women at one time. We have room for it in the park, right where the two little ones are now.
Yes, this area is a flood plane and no septic system with a leach field is allowed. But we can have a normal sewer-system leading to a large storage tank, adjacent to Covered Bridge Road that will be pumped out, as needed on a regular basis, Not a big deal. Boulder Creek has this design for several building in the flood-plane up there. They all work fine. We just need to do it.
Now is the time to call for a local Architect’s Competition to see who can come up with a design that is appropriate for honoring the Covered Bridge’s National Landmark designation. Just architect’s quick sketches of concepts are what is needed. No drawn plans at this time.
This could be judged by a one-time group meeting of all the architects that have submitted sketches. The three or four best concepts could be chosen the large group. Then they could be judged again by the same winning architects to be combined as they see appropriate. One of the three architects could be chosen by the group to draw up the results. The existing Felton Historic Covered Bridge Action Committee could then decide how to finance these plans and raise the funds required.
So this is our call to our local architects to start thinking and start sketching. This is not a call only for architects, but to anyone who has a good, burning idea. All sketches can be submitted to the Press-Banner’s office in Scotts Valley, 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F.
The design competition begins now and will be open until Thursday, Sept. 20 at 5 p.m.
Finally, Felton business people Judy Anderson, John MacDonald and John Fasolas, as well as Beth Hollenbeck from the SLV Chamber of Commerce are behind the effort. Please call me with any questions, 336-2733.
Wm. Burton, Civil Engineer for the Felton Historic Covered Bridge Action Committee

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