Change. Always inevitable. Never easy. Right now, change is happening constantly and in all areas of our lives. We are dealing with drastic changes to our daily lives, our work lives, family dynamics and more. Along with that comes stress, worry, anxiety, and—believe it or not—grief.
Change is always hard, but it can be even harder to deal with right now because we are dealing with so much. A couple things to keep in mind:
●      First, know that you are not alone in your worry and stress.
●      Second, if you are looking for extra help, reach out. Reach out to friends, family, or a professional. You don’t have to do this alone.
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The good news is there are things you can do to help you and your loved ones through these changes. Below you will find some advice for navigating and adjusting to the changes that come along with COVID.
●      Understanding Grief & Loss of Normal Life and Life Events: The “new normal” we are navigating means things we looked forward to may have to be postponed or canceled. All of these things are a form of loss. And with loss comes grief. As we talked about last month, you can change your mind and approach this from a positive perspective and make the most of being forced to slow down.
●      Unexpected Transitions: Whether you are dealing with job loss, shifting to long term working from home or school changes, transitioning will take time. Here are things to remember when it comes to unexpected transitions:
○      Have patience. Establishing new routines and adjusting takes time. It can be difficult to accept the changes, but give it time and keep an open mind.
○      Expect to adjust. With proper help and guidance, both children and adults can recover from unexpected disruption. We all experience a difficult adjustment period following unexpected transitions. It takes time, patience, and perhaps some professional assistance, but you will be able to get your bearings.
○      Be flexible. Depending on how big of a transition you find yourself going through, you may need a longer adjustment period. Stay positive as you move through the adjustment process.
●      Managing Re-Entry Worries: First, know that your concerns are valid. There are many reasons that you might be concerned or worried about COVID-19. We recommend being aware of what information and media you consume. Don’t overdo your news and information intake as that can add to your stress.      Be aware of the recommendations from local and national authorities and then make the choices that feel right to you and that you are comfortable with. Even when things start to open back up, you do not need to jump back into all of your normal activities if you are not comfortable. Be safe, be smart and be confident in your decisions.
●      Accepting Uncertainties: One of the most frustrating things about COVID-19 is that so much about the virus and the limitations on where you can go are out of your control. However, there are things that you can control, and focusing on those things can provide you with some comfort. Some of the things you can control include:
○      Your mind and body
○      Your immediate environment
○      What information you consume
○      How you prepare
○      How you protect yourself and others
●      Manage Your Mindset: managing your mindset and adjusting your thoughts can reduce stress. Remember to keep perspective. Everything we see is perspective, not the truth. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Focus on the ‘good stuff’ and things that really matter most.  Also, be aware of your thoughts. Take a moment to actually think about your thoughts. Become aware of where your mind is spending time – is helping or hurting you? Try to recognize and track negative “triggers”. This can help you better identify, prepare and make changes the next time around.
     While COVID-19 continues to disrupt life around us, TherapyWorks is committed to you! Keeping focus on the emotional wellness of our community is our top priority. Now more than ever, we’re dedicated to keeping you connected to helpful ways to care for yourself and your loved ones — when it matters most! If you or someone you care about needs help, please reach out.
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Maaliea Wilbur is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Executive Director of TherapyWorks. With 10+ years of experience, Maaliea’s broad-level expertise allows her to successfully support kids, teens, adults, couples and families. Maaliea is passionate about providing top-notch care as a trusted resource in her community.
Life is unpredictable and real problems happen. It can leave you feeling stressed, frustrated and desperate for change. At TherapyWorks, we help people like you. We’re a trusted team of expert therapists with proven experience and a commitment to care. Together, we’ll take overwhelming situations and create positive results – one session at a time – so you can reach your potential and enjoy life.  For more information visit

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