Michael McClish, today, was found guilty for the murder of Joanna “Asha” Veil and her unborn child in 2006.
McClish, a former Ben Lomond resident currently serving a separate jail sentence for a 2007 rape conviction, was convicted of first degree murder for the death of Veil and second degree murder for the death of her unborn child.
Judge Paul Burdick read the jury’s verdict at the Santa Cruz County courthouse following the trial that began in mid-October.
McClish was clean-shaven and dressed in a light-blue dress shirt and tie and sat with his head held up following the reading of the verdict.
“We’re disappointed in the verdict,” McClish’s attorney Tom Walraff said. “The jury obviously worked hard, but we disagree with the verdict.”
Walraff said he will likely file an appeal on McClish’s behalf. He said he would discuss with McClish if he should file for a re-trial.
Prosecutor Jeff Rosell met reporters outside the courtroom.
“Asha Veil and her unborn child were brutally murdered by Michael McClish,” said Rosell. “We waited a long time to have Michael McClish held responsible. But today, a conscientious jury that listened to all the evidence and deliberated made that determination that he was responsible for the death and the murder of Asha Veil and her baby. And the penalty for Michael McClish is life without the possibility of parole. And that will make sure he doesn’t harm anyone ever again.”
Close to a dozen friends and family members of McClish were in the courtroom to hear the verdict.

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