Ben Lomond’s Town Plan will be scrutinized and discussed on Thursday night in downtown Ben Lomond.
Fifth District Santa Cruz County Supervisor Bruce McPherson, along with staff from the county planning department, will host the meeting at 7 p.m. Planning staff will explain details related to the town plan and talk about what has been accomplished and what has not been accomplished since the plan was adopted by supervisors in the late 1980s.
Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments about the priorities they’d like to see. The Ben Lomond Town Plan is available at the planning department website or at local libraries. Here is a link to the Ben Lomond Town Plan: http://sccoplanning.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=gM5pA6XLiKY%3d&tabid=1102
Thursday’s meeting will be held at Park Hall, 9370 Mill Street in Ben Lomond.
Town plan meetings in Boulder Creek and Felton were well-attended.