Voters in the Scotts Valley Unified School District must choose two new school board members in the Nov. 2 election. All three candidates care about our schools, where student achievement has risen even as state funding cuts squeezed the local school budget from $19 million down to $16.4 million.
Art Bubb and John Abel have attended school board meetings. They also attended a presentation by William Gillaspie of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team on the important subject of district- and county-run special-education programs and services.
Mr. Bubb, who retired after working 35 years in education, knows the challenges schools face. He’s a good listener who wants to improve communication between the board and teachers, parents and the community.
Mr. Abel is a parent with managerial experience in high tech. He’s an astute observer who wants to use his Silicon Valley connections to help the school district, which is in the bottom 10 percent in per-student funding in California.
They have my support.
Jondi Gumz, Scotts Valley

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