If not for the quick fundraising work of seven Boulder Creek businesses, the annual Fourth of July parade in Boulder Creek would have been canceled.
Lower-than-usual revenues from the Boulder Creek Art and Wine Festival resulted in a smaller budget for the parade. Then, a Caltrans requirement that official detour signs be posted in place of the handmade signs of past years increased the cost of the parade by more than $1,000.
But the local community rallied.
“A number of businesses reached into their own pockets,” said Alex Pena, Boulder Creek Business Association president.
Stagnaro Strategic Marketing, Mountain Mechanics, WA Insurance Services, J & M Co., Air and Fire, Gary Walker Productions and Pena, a real estate agent, covered the cost of the signs and made up the shortfall.
“These businesses made the parade happen,” Pena said.
The parade begins at 10 a.m. on the Fourth of July at Foster’s Freeze and makes its way north along Highway 9 through downtown Boulder Creek.