Scotts Valley has called off its foreclosure of the 17½-acre parcel slated for a 143,000-square-foot Target store on La Madrona Drive.
City Attorney Kirsten Powell reported to the City Council on Wednesday, Oct. 7, that landowner Title Two Investment Corp. had paid the city $267,365 it owed in assessments and also paid the city’s legal fees of $12,591 for the lawsuit seeking payment.
Title Two still owes Santa Cruz County more than $59,700 in property taxes and other taxes after missing payments in December 2008 and April 2009.
In the meantime, the city seeks comments on the environmental and economic impact reports for the proposed Target project. The 45-day period ends Nov. 4.
Written comments can be sent to senior planner Taylor Bateman, tb******@sc**********.org; or mailed to the city, 1 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley 95066.