Kiwanis Club of Scotts Valley
The club is planning activities for 2010. Chief among those is the club’s relationship with the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation.
In years past, Kiwanis has been an integral participant in the Mount Charlie bike ride, the ice cream social, and Music in the Park. This year, the club looks forward to maintaining or expanding its role in those events. This will be a primary topic of discussion at the next evening meeting.
The club will meet at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at Hilton Santa Cruz-Scotts Valley, 6001 La Madrona Drive, for a discussion of annual events and cooperation with SVEF. New members will be inducted into the club, as well. Cost is $20.
The club meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at Heavenly Café, 1270 Mount Hermon Road ($5), except for the second Wednesday of each month, which is at 6 p.m. at the Scotts Valley Hilton ($20).
Scotts Valley Host Lions Club
The Lions Club’s February dinner meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Scotts Valley Senior Center.
The club is focused on planning its 40th annual Crab Cioppino Dinner and Dance, scheduled for March 13 at the CPDES Hall in Santa Cruz. This is one of the club’s largest fundraisers, and 100 percent of proceeds will go back to the Scotts Valley and San Lorenzo Valley communities.
For information, visit or speak with any Scotts Valley Lions member.
The club meets at the Scotts Valley Senior Center, 370 Kings Village Road, at 7 a.m. Tuesdays, with the exception of the second Tuesday of each month, when the meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.
Exchange Club of Scotts Valley
The Exchange Club of Scotts Valley will host its annual Search for Talent at 1 p.m. Feb. 20. Children ages 6 through 18 will compete in a talent show at the Bethany University Theater, 800 Bethany Drive. The winners will have the opportunity to go on to the district finals.
This talent search has been sponsored for more than 30 years by the Exchange Club of Scotts Valley.
For information or an application: 438-1000.
Rotary Club of Scotts Valley
Rotary Club of Scotts Valley will launch its youth speech contest Monday, Feb. 1, at Scotts Valley High School, 555 Glenwood Drive.
During the lunch hour, past Rotary International president Richard King and club member Bob Pagett will speak about the post-earthquake situation in Haiti and the good works of Assist International. Students are invited to join the discussion and learn more about the speech contest.
Local club member and International Chair Dr. Cynthia Fitzgerald will speak to the club at its regular meeting Feb. 8.
On Feb. 9, the club will meet at Slawinski Auction Gallery, 5015 Scotts Valley Drive, to plan and raise money for the Shelter Box project. All proceeds will help send shelter boxes to Haiti.
The club’s speech contest will take place at Scotts Valley High School at 7 p.m. Feb. 16. High school students, parents and staff are encouraged to attend.
Scotts Valley Mayor Jim Reed will speak to the club at its regular meeting Feb. 22.
The club meets from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Mondays at the Hilton Santa Cruz-Scotts Valley, 6001 La Madrona Drive. Lunch is at 12:15 p.m. and costs $16.
For information:
• Meetings are open to guests, and clubs welcome new members. Contributors to this column are Joe Miller, Kiwanis; Lisa Bustichi, Lions; John Wilson, Exchange; and Amanda Matthews, Scotts Valley Rotary.

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