Kiwanis of the Valleys
Kiwanis club awards will be presented to deserving students at the upcoming graduation and end of school year ceremonies. These include the Mike Smith Scholarship and Grabill Scholarship awards, which are given to two graduating high schools seniors, the Citizenship Award that goes to a SVHS student, and the Most Improved Student awards at the SV Middle School.
The club held a workday on May 16, to refurbish its mobile stage. It will be a busy summer for the stage, as club members set up for a number of events like the Relay for Life, which will be held at Skypark on June 5 and 6, SVHS and SVMS graduation ceremonies that will take place at the SVHS football field on June 10 and 11, the Hop N Barley Festival at Skypark on June 27 and 28, Scotts Valley’s 4th of July Celebration at Skypark, and the Music at Skypark concerts on July 26, Aug. 30, and Sept. 27.
Preparation for the Music at Skypark event continues full speed ahead. We are happy that several new sponsors have joined the ranks of the returning sponsors, but we are always looking for more.
Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. every Wednesday morning at Bruno’s BBQ. The second Wednesday of each month is an evening meeting — also at Bruno’s — at 6:30 p.m. For more information, or to volunteer at the concerts, visit
Scotts Valley Exchange Club
The Scotts Valley Exchange Club hosted the Blue and Gold Dinner, honoring the Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year. The club has been hosting this event for more than 35 years.
Honorees were Dennis Petteys, Scotts Valley Fire Protection District’s Firefighter of the Year,
and Sgt. Mike Dean, who was honored as Scotts Valley’s Police Employee of the Year.
A full house celebrated the tremendous work of these fine first responders.
First District Supervisor John Leopold, and Representatives of Senator Bill Monning and Assemblymember Mark Stone were in attendance, as were Mayor Dene Bustichi and City Council member Donna Lind.
The club meets at Bruno’s BBQ the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
All are welcome to come and enjoy a speaker of local interest.
For more information email cp******@gm***.com
Valley Women’s Club
The Redwood Mountain Faire is the exciting news right now! This wonderful community event was May 30 to 31 at Roaring Camp — a major fundraiser for 23 vital nonprofit, education, and service organizations.
Coming soon, the VWC’s Women’s Issues’ Committee will present both a performance and workshop on the amazing Isadora Duncan — dancer and icon of freedom for women. Keep an eye on the VWC website,, and in this newspaper for the time and place.
Recently, several hundred “Ready for School” bags were distributed by the VWC to incoming kindergarten and pre-kindergarten youngsters, as they came to enroll at San Lorenzo Valley Elementary and Boulder Creek Elementary Schools. The bags — supported by donations — offer a book, learning supplies, and information to help parents prepare their youngsters for the experience of going to school. The inspiration of Dusty Gipson, Boulder Creek Mom and past VWC Board Member, the bags have helped many hundreds of 4 and 5-year-olds gain needed skills as they ready for school.
The Environmental Committee was granted funds by the County’s Environmental Health Department — from taxes designated to help assure functioning septic systems — to print and mail an informative brochure entitled, “Save Our Septics,” to every SLV resident. Filled with information, and entertaining to read, these brochures were designed by VWC member Nina Moore, and printed by Community Printers. We are grateful to Environmental Health for enabling it to be sent to every SLV resident.
Rotary Club of SLV
The months of May and June are very busy for the Rotary Club of SLV.
On Saturday, May 2 the Rotary Club of SLV, together with 3 SLV High Interact Club members did the annual cleanup of the premises of the Felton Community Hall and Mountain Community Resources.
Saturday, May 23 was the Felton Remembers parade. Rotary participated with the SLV High School Interact Club, seeking donations for the “Coins for Nepal” drive underway in the SLV Schools.
On Thursday, May 28, the club awarded $1,000 scholarships to three graduating seniors at the SLV High School Awards ceremony.
On the weekend of May 30 and 31, Rotary worked as a Grant Group of the Redwood Mountain Faire — performing Internal Traffic Control for the event. This also includes the preceding Thursday and Friday as well.
Beginning June 10 through August, the club moves to its summer residence in Ben Lomond at the new Ben Lomond Bistro at 9465 Highway 9 (the former Verutti’s liquor store). The breakfast meeting begins at 7:15 a.m. as usual.
The program speakers for the remainder of the Rotary Year are:
* June 10, Club Assembly, first meeting at the Ben Lomond Bistro
* June 17, Mike Rotkin, former Mayor of Santa Cruz, Coastal Watershed Council
* June 24, Dr. Thomas Schmitz, former team doctor of the Warriors, sports medicine
The Rotary Club of San Lorenzo Valley regularly meets Wednesdays at 7:15 a.m. at the Mount Hermon Conference Center, Birch Dining Room. In the summer we move to an alternate venue (noted above). Visitors and guests are welcome at our meetings, for more information please visit:

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