Covid-19 Closes Santa Cruz County Businesses, ICUs Ready for Surge
By Jacob Pierce, Good Times Editor
Businesses all over Santa Cruz County are getting ready to close down or reduce their operations, as a new stay-at-home order takes effect.
The order goes live at 11:59pm Thursday, now that the Bay Area region hit a threshold wherein...
SVHS Haunted House Adjust, Readies to Petrify Attendees
Frightened of a blank calendar this Halloween? Never fear. There are many fun and Covid-19-safe opportunities this year.
According to a 1,000-parent survey conducted by See’s Candies, a little over 50 percent of families plan to stay in this Halloween, with a movie. However, for...
Organizations push importance of shopping local this holiday
The Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce put on a Holiday Passport Event on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 28.
More than 100 families traveled throughout commercial Scotts Valley to 36 local businesses in a safe and spirited fashion. At each business, households received a stamp, children...
Pile burning set for Feb. 10-12 in Ben Lomond and Scotts...
Two pile burns are tentatively planned for Feb. 10-12 in Ben Lomond and Scotts Valley on Land Trust of Santa Cruz County land and...