– Submit Datebook items to pb******@pr*********.com, or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed.
Friday, April 13
Junction Park flea market
When: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Junction Park, Middleton and Railroad avenues, in Boulder Creek
Details: Merchants in Boulder Creek and Felton will participate in special promotions as part of the Second Saturday event put on by the Boulder Creek Business Association and SLV Chamber of Commerce.
Free bully-buster clinic
When: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Elite Martial Arts, 266 Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: Children ages 5 through 13 can attend to learn verbal self defense and how to defeat a bully without fighting.
Info: 438-5425
Saturday, April 14
Postcard, collectibles show
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Hilton Santa Cruz-Scotts Valley, 6001 La Madrona Drive, in Scotts Valley
Details: Free appraisals of postcards and other collectibles will be offered.
Info: Joseph Jaynes, 476-3262 or jo*********@cr****.com
Picnic and politics event
When: Noon to 2 p.m.
Where: Highlands Park, 8500 Highway 9, in Ben Lomond
Details: Bill Smallman, candidate for the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors 5th District, will discuss local issues.
Info: www.billsmallman.com
Dog adoption fair
When: Noon to 2 p.m.
Where: ACE Hardware, 218 Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: The Center for Animal Protection and Education will host a dog adoption fair.
Info: 336-4695 or www.capeanimals.org
Dinner theater in SLV
When: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Park Hall, 9400 Mill St., in Ben Lomond
Details: A murder mystery by Rita Wadsworth and Carolyn Hyatt, “Crime Comes to College,” will exhibit music, mayhem, and mirth. Proceeds will benefit Mountain Community Theater.
Cost:  $35
Info: www.mctshows.org or 336-4777
Sunday, April 15
Pancake breakfast
When: 8:30 a.m. to noon
Where: Highlands Park Senior Center, 8500 Highway 9 in Ben Lomond
Details: Piano styling by Char is included with breakfast.
Cost: $5 adults, $2.50 children
Info: 336-8900
Sandhills tour
When: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: Quail Hollow County Park, 800 Quail Hollow Road, in Ben Lomond
Details: Participants will take a guided tour of the sandhills habitat in the park. The tour will repeat April 29.
Cost: $2
Info: 335-9348
Dinner club membership-drive brunch
When: Noon to 3 p.m.
Where: Ben Lomond
Details: Men and women age 21 and older who are interested in becoming members of the Santa Cruz Mountains Gourmet Dinner Club are invited for brunch. Those who wish to attend should inquire for directions.
Info: Colly Gruczelak, 336-8098 or cz****@sb*******.net
Wednesday, April 18
Community Action Board meeting
When: 6:15 p.m.
Where: Mountain Community Resources, 6134 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: The Community Action Board will meet in SLV for the first time to discuss how best to serve low-income and homeless people in the county.
Info: Catherine O’Kelly, 335-2140 or ca*********@cr****.com
Friday, April 20
Blood drive
When: 1 to 6 p.m.
Where: First Presbyterian Church, 6090 Highway 9, in Felton
Info: 800-733-2767 or www.redcrossblood.org
Ben Lomond contra dance
When: 8 to 11 p.m.
Where: Park Hall, 9370 Mill St., in Ben Lomond
Details: Seattle-based band King, Ginsburg and Bartley will be in town to lead this one-time dance in Ben Lomond. All dances are taught, and no partner is needed to attend.
Cost: $12 suggested donation
Info: www.santacruzdance.org
Saturday, April 21
E-waste collection for arts
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: 222 Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: Metech Recycling will have a truck in the Nob Hill Foods parking lot collecting e-waste free of charge as a fundraiser for the Scotts Valley Artisans center.
Info: www.metechrecycling.com
Anti-sexual abuse walk
When: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Watsonville Plaza, Main and East Beach streets, in Watsonville
Details: The sixth annual gathering to support the fight against child abuse as part of National Child Abuse Awareness Month.
Info: www.survivorshealingcenter.org
Spring boutique, tea
When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; tea at 2 p.m.
Where: Bruno’s BBQ, upstairs, 230-G Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: A boutique, tea and raffle will benefit Relay For Life in Scotts Valley.
Cost: Tea party, $15 for one, $25 for two; free to shop
Info: Jackie Maurer, 335-7109 or va*************@ho*****.com
Monday, April 23
Operation Surf fundraiser dinner
When: 5 to 9 p.m.
Where: Cocoanut Grove, 400 Beach St., in Santa Cruz
Details: A Hawaiian-style dinner buffet with a no-host bar will benefit Operation Surf, a group that helps wounded members of the armed services rehabilitate through surfing. Guests can meet this year’s participants during the evening, hosted by Blue Star Moms of Santa Cruz County.
Cost: $65
Info: www.amazingsurfadventures.org
Tuesday, April 24
Parenting workshop
When: 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Mountain Community Resources, 6134 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: This parenting workshop will address how parents can deal with fighting and aggression. Food and child care are included.
Cost: Free
Info: 335-6600
Thursday, April 26
San Lorenzo Valley poetry reading
When: 7 to 8 p.m.
Where: Felton Community Hall, 6191 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: David Swanger, Santa Cruz County poet laureate, will read poetry and introduce valley locals who will read poems.
Info: www.feltonlibraryfriends.org
Friday, April 27
Free bully-buster clinic
When: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Elite Martial Arts, 266 Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: Children ages 5 through 13 can attend to learn verbal self defense and how to defeat a bully without fighting.
Info: 438-5425
Saturday, April 28
Flea market
When: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Felton Presbyterian Church, 6090 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: Spaces are available for $15 and will benefit the church’s humanitarian work in Brazil.
Info: 335-6905
Book signing, discussion
When: 2 p.m.
Where: Scotts Valley Branch Library, 251 Kings Village Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: Mystery author Nancy Lynn Jarvis will talk about her recent books. Refreshments will be served.
Info: Michele Deblock, 847-400-7467
Monday, May 30
Supervisor candidate forum
When: 7 p.m.
Where: Scotts Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: County supervisor candidates Eric Hammer, Bill Smallman and Bruce McPherson will be asked about their candidacy. The forum is sponsored by the Press-Banner and the SLV and Scotts Valley chambers of commerce. Residents can submit questions online: http://pressbanner.com/submit_question
Thursday, May 3
Supervisor candidate forum
When: 7 p.m.
Where: San Lorenzo Valley High School multipurpose room, 7105 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: County supervisor candidates Eric Hammer, Bill Smallman and Bruce McPherson will be asked about their candidacy. The forum is sponsored by the Press-Banner and the SLV and Scotts Valley chambers of Commerce.
Residents can submit questions online: http://pressbanner.com/submit_question
Saturday, May 5
Free family fun day
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Elite Martial Arts, 266 Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: A jump house, martial arts and fitness classes, music games and food will be part of the demo day.
Details: 438-5425
Cinco De Mayo dinner
When: 6 to 10 p.m.
Where: Scotts Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: Proceeds from the evening, catered by Taqueria Los Gallos with a no-host bar, will help the charitable efforts of the Scotts Valley Kiwanis Club.
Cost: $25 adults, $12 for children age 12 and younger
Info: Peggie Lopez, 419-1678; or www.svkiwanis.org/CDMPoster5.pdf

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