– Submit Datebook items to pb******@pr*********.com or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed.
Friday, July 13
Boulder Creek bluegrass fest
When: 6 p.m.; continues at noon Saturday, July 14, and Sunday, July 15
Where: Scopazzi’s, 13300 Big Basin Highway, in Boulder Creek
Details: Bluegrass bands will play at Scopazzi’s and other locations in Boulder Creek during the three-day festival, including a free concert in Boulder Creek Park on Saturday.
Info: www.brookdalebluegrass.com
SLV Class of 1967 reunion
When: 6 p.m.
Where: Scopazzi’s Restaurant, 13300 Big Basin Way, in Boulder Creek
Details: Classmates from 1965 to 1969 are invited to attend.
Info: 336-2944
‘Peter Pan’
When: 7 p.m.
Where: San Lorenzo Valley High School Performing Arts Center
Details: Hooked on Theater will present a youth production of J.M. Barrie’s classic “Peter Pan.” Shows will continue at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 14, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 15.
Cost: $15 general admission, $13 seniors, $10 children 14 and younger.
Info: www.hookedontheater.com
Saturday, July 14
Slam at the Dam tournament
When: 10:30 a.m.
Where: Ben Lomond Park, Mill Street in Ben Lomond
Details: Spectators are welcome to the first three-on-three basketball tournament to raise money for the Children’s Center of SLV. 
Info: Matt O’Brien, 278-0200
Free piano, organ, violin concert
When: 7:30 to 9:15 p.m.
Where: Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, 37 Conference Drive, in Mount Hermon
Details: Resident musician David Talbott and violinist Alex Russell will play the music of Brahms, Grieg and Bull, in addition to sacred and traditional favorites. An optional buffet dinner precedes the concert.
Cost: Free admission, voluntary offering
Info: 335-4466
Sunday, July 15
Rummage sale
When: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where:  Quail Hollow Montessori School, 187 Laurel Drive, in Felton
Details: This fundraiser for new school flooring will include many items for babies and children.
Museum barbecue
When: 3 to 7 p.m.
Where: SLV Museum, 12547 Highway 9, in Boulder Creek
Details: A friendly horseshoe tournament, barbecue, history presentations, raffle, ice cream sundaes and more will raise money for the museum.
Cost: $12 for those age 12 and older
Info: 338-8382 or www.slvmuseum.com
Free pipe organ concert
When: 4 p.m.
Where: Boomeria, 60 Verde Drive, in Santa Cruz
Details: Organist William Visscher will give a free concert at Preston Boomer’s Boomeria.
Info: bo**@bo******.com or 426-2617
Jazz series
When: 5:30 p.m.
Where: Scopazzi’s Restaurant and Lounge, 13300 Big Basin Way in Boulder Creek
Details: Steve’s Jazz Kitchen will perform as part of an ongoing Sunday live jazz series.
Info: 338-6441
Wednesday, July 18
Cowgirl rope tricks
When: 11 a.m.
Where: Boulder Creek Branch Library, 13390 W. Park Ave., in Boulder Creek
Details: Karen Quest will perform rope tricks for the family in a free show.
Info: www.santacruzpl.org
Thursday, July 19
Mural in a Day event
When: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Scotts Valley Artisans, 230-D Mount Hermon Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: A group of local artists will complete an outdoor mural in one day. This is expected to be the first mural in a multi-year public art program in Scotts Valley.
Info: 439-9094 or http://scottsvalleyartisans.com
Taste of Scotts Valley
When: 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Hilton, 6001 La Madrona Drive, in Scotts Valley
Details: The annual kickoff party for the Scotts Valley Art & Wine Festival is hosted by the Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Info: 438-1010
Sunday, July 29
Free Music at Skypark
When: 3:30 p.m.
Where: Skypark, 360 Kings Village Road, in Scotts Valley
Details: The Houserockers and West Grand Boulevard will play as part of the Scotts Valley Kiwanis Club’s second Music at Skypark concert to benefit Scotts Valley school music programs.
Info: www.svkiwanis.org
Monday, July 30
Vacation Bible School
When: 9 a.m. to noon; runs through Aug. 3
Where: Felton Presbyterian Church, 6090 Highway 9, in Felton
Details: This is a program for children entering preschool through fifth grade. Donations are requested, and scholarships are available.
Info: www.feltonpresbyterian.org or 335-6900

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