
Dear Editor,
Re: Highway 9 is not a freeway
I’ll admit it. I’ve sinned.
I’ve driven faster than the 35 MPH speed limit allows on Highway 9’s curves. Once my two daughters were old enough to read the speed limit signs, they’ve acted as my personal California Highway Patrol officers, and often say, “Mommy, slow down!”
When my kids aren’t in the car, I’m tempted to drive faster than what’s posted on the speed limit signs. In particular, I feel pressured from aggressive tailgaters to speed up. We all know there are few places to pull over safely on Highway 9. This “rush at all expenses, even your life” mentality is something I’m familiar with. I learned how to drive on Los Angeles freeways, the land of the ultimate unsafe driving. San LorenzoValley, however, is not Los Angeles. Trust me, we don’t want Highway 9 to become more like Los Angeles’ Harbor Freeway.
During Tuesday’s downpour, I couldn’t believe how many cars drove too quickly on Highway 9 given the puddles, small landslides, and challenge of trying to see through torrents on car windshields. I realize that if you’re reading this letter, you are most likely a safe driver. However, if you were crossing the line of safety that day (or on any other day), please think twice the next time you want to speed in any kind of weather. As your fellow community member, I vow to slow down too when that temptation strikes. Please share this message with your loved ones and friends.
Dyane Leshin-Harwood,
Ben Lomond

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