
In an age where we take so many precautions to ensure our children’s’ safety from the dangers of the world at large, it’s appalling to see their very lives threatened daily and willfully at Brook Knoll Elementary school by parents themselves.
I’m talking about the consistently illegal and dangerous driving engaged in during the pick-up and drop-off processes. Parents, you know who you are: driving while talking on your cell phones, driving illegally against traffic, speeding in the parking lot, tailing the car in front of you, not stopping at crosswalks, the list goes on and on.
Shockingly, any attempt to curb these dangerous behaviors is met with verbal abuse from the offenders. The Brook Knoll staff’s hands are tied; despite the authority we vest in them to protect our kids, they are subject to the same abuse when attempting to address bad driving behavior.
I witness near-misses almost every day, and experienced my own this week when my five year old was nearly backed over in the parking lot. Will it take a tragedy to finally get through to this select group of repeat offenders? Shame on the people who put themselves above the law and above the safety of our kids!
Katalin DeBord, Scotts Valley

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