The Press Banner invited local residents to share their letters to Santa. Here is a sampling.
Merry Christmas! How are you and Mrs. Claus? Are you feeding the reindeer often? This Christmas, I would like you to give children who can’t afford an education the money to go to school. I would also like you to give food to people in need. For me, I would like an unabridged dictionary.
Sincerely, Alix
Age 10, Bonny Doon
PS: Please write me back so I can get your mailing address. I am going to order you a treadmill/stairclimber on the Internet. No offense, but you seriously need one.
You are a wonderful person that is a magical person. So I am wondering if you can help families that need help. I see poor families everyday and some ask my dad for money. Sometimes he gives money to them. Another thing that I am asking is for the wars to stop and everybody to be friends. I would also like people that smoke to stop. I hope, Santa, with your magic and wisdom, you can help all these people, and I will help too.
Tyler Staton
Age 10, Bonny Doon
DS games, cars, Legos, PlayStation games, scooter, ball.
Age 6, Brookdale
I ask you for something very important to me. I would love it if you could make it so I can see my mom whenever I want to because I don’t get to see her much. I would also love it if you made a lot of snow (that would make every kid in the world so happy and it would be awesome!) And please try your best to make world peace. It’s just so hard to think that so many people are risking their lives to save us! So please try your best.
Age 10, Bonny Doon
Me love you. Me give you cookies and chocolate milk.
Age 3, Boulder Creek
How is Rudolph doing? I love your Santa suit. We are going to leave you treats.
Age 6, Boulder Creek
I want my family to have a good Christmas. I also want them to like the things I give them. And I hope for the best gift I can give is joy. For the community, I want to stop animal cruelty, and I also want to help people with cancer for good health.
Iven Hernandez
Age 10, Bonny Doon
Hello. I can’t wait for when you come to our house. There are many things I want this year but I’m not begging for it. I’m trying to be the best I can, but sometimes I end up getting sort of mad and confused by my brother and sister Zach and Amy! But never mind that. The No. 1 thing I really want is Monopoly City. But the subjects I like are board games, strategy games, puzzle games, and building games, but not video games. I know you’re real because my mother and father can’t go to the store, know what we want, and get back home in time. I live in Bonny Doon.
Jake Furnish
Age 10, Bonny Doon
I want you to give homeless people some gifts like a lot of food and a place where homeless people can get food for a penny. Get them some stuff that will make them happy.
Nathan Baynard
Age 11, Bonny Doon
For Christmas, more that anything, I would want no global warming and for no pollution. In the summer I go to the beach almost every day and I’ve been realizing more animals are getting sick and the beach is getting covered in trash. Also you can just tell the air is not as fresh. I live in the mountains, and the air up here is so fresh and when I go downtown, the air seems like I’m breathing garbage. Also I’m even noticing up here getting littered on! And I’m tired of it! So if you would just get rid of that, I would be very happy.
Morgan Lloyd
Age 10, Bonny Doon
I love you. I been good. I want a matorbom.
Mathew Solis
Age 5, Scotts Valley
For Christmas I want the animal shelters to get more room and more helpful stuff for the animals. I also want the animal cruelty to stop because that’s something I really want to stop. Something else I want is to shut down slaughter houses. This is already on my Christmas list but I think I should mention that stopping world hunger is very important. But I also think we deserve a white Christmas.
Maya Meyers-Cotton
Age 11, Bonny Doon
This year I wish for world peace. It has been my wish ever since the penguins have been choking to death and the polar bears have nowhere to go, and sea animals are eating plastic and that poisons them. We need world peace, other wise we wouldn’t have the stuff we need right now, we are still losing the stuff we need. This is my wish.
Rachael Noelle Fernandez
Age 10, Bonny Doon
I been good. I want moons and amusement park.
Joey Duncan
Age 5, Scotts Valley

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