The Press-Banner endorses Aaron Hinde for the Santa Cruz County Board of Education, Area 1.
Hinde, a Bonny Doon resident who works as a chiropractor in Scotts Valley, is the incumbent in this race, and we see no reason to unseat him, considering his track record in the community and on the board. If he wins, we believe he will make good on his promise to serve one more term and then leave the post.
He is a valuable member of the community, and, as a San Lorenzo Valley High School alumnus whose two children attend Brook Knoll School, he knows Scotts Valley and the San Lorenzo Valley inside and out.
Hinde won the endorsement of all six other board members by running crisp meetings as board president this year and working diligently to balance the Santa Cruz County Office of Education budget.
We believe George Martinez, Hinde’s opponent for the seat, is a strong and knowledgeable candidate. However, his idea of a countywide parcel tax to support the schools is not a good one. A county parcel tax would involve a level of bureaucracy that is unacceptable and could undermine Scotts Valley’s effort to pass a parcel tax for its schools.
If Scotts Valley were to put a parcel tax on the ballot in the next six months, it would be tailored to exactly what the district needs. The same goes for any of the other nine school districts under the county’s umbrella. A countywide parcel tax would not coincide with this. While he would not vote on it, Hinde has said he supports a Scotts Valley parcel tax with an exemption for seniors.