A moderate tax solution in SV
We applaud the Scotts Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees for taking a realistic approach in what the board is asking homeowners to pay as a parcel tax.
The returns of a recent survey painted a picture that showed it would be unlikely that a larger tax could pass in the recession-like climate the community and the nation have experienced for the past three-plus years.
We feel that a $48 property tax hit — the cost of sushi for two — is a reasonable amount for anyone to pay to keep the schools functioning. In addition, seniors and disabled persons can opt out of the tax, if their fixed-income cannot provide for it.
Why “another” tax? Class sizes at the elementary schools are maxed out. The district’s budget is terribly thin. What would happen if the schools had to lay off even more staff? The answer is not pretty. This tax wouldn’t completely cover the school’s deficit, but it would certainly help.
Sunset blows through Boulder Creek
We had a good chuckle over the writer’s take on Boulder Creek in the February edition of Sunset Magazine’s Woodsy Dream Town feature. Whoever wrote the blurb called the town “absurdly rural.” It’s an interesting way to describe it.
It’s true that redwoods seem to outnumber people by at least 50 to 1. And, yes, Boulder Creek tends to experience multiple, lengthy power failures each winter.
On the other hand, there is a thriving downtown, a bustling library and people from all over the world.
Everyone’s definition of rural is different. So “absurdly rural” might fit for one person, whereas another might think of Boulder Creek only as country living.
While the recognition is great for our small community, lumping Boulder Creek with “neighboring” La Honda, just over the hill from “schmancy Woodside” makes us think the writer probably took the Wikipedia tour rather than riding a bike along Highway 9 (which is dangerous).
It’s a shame they skipped over the most endearing part of Boulder Creek: the tight-knit community.
Hospital’s good idea saves money
Dominican Hospital’s latest initiative, a health and wellness bus that travels to four places in the county each week, including Scotts Valley and Ben Lomond, is an innovative solution to rising health care costs.
The hospital is taking a proactive approach to handling noninsured patients by charging a flat $15 for a visit that includes medical screenings, X-rays, vaccinations and more. The program gives those who are uninsured a place to go for routine doctor’s office visits, potentially avoiding the need for emergency room visits after a medical problem has festered.
We hope this model is more widely circulated, eventually for those who carry insurance.

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