Many equestrian activities will be available for young people this summer. Lucjan Szewczyk/Press-Banner

Now that the rains have stopped and the mud has dried, many folks’ thoughts turn to equestrian events. The upcoming month has several such local events.
A family weekend
The Santa Cruz County Horseman’s Association is putting on a Family Fun Weekend June 25 and 26 at the Graham Hill Showgrounds, 1145 Graham Hill Road. It is open to people with horses and to curious spectators. It includes two full days of fun, including Battle of the Barns, dinner, a campout, a Family Play Day and a pancake breakfast.
For information: Robin Musitelli, [email protected] or 338-8980.
Skill and speed
If your tastes run more to the fast and furious, check out a gymkhana. Our barn, Silver Bay Farms in Felton, participates in gymkhanas, and they are always a ton of fun! They take skill, speed and patience. The horses and riders run through poles, race in between barrels and quickly turn around in a narrow circle, called a keyhole.
If you have a horse, bring it and run some barrels with us! English and Western riding styles are welcome, and spectators are invited. The next local gymkhana will be in August. Watch this column for details.
For information: Rebekah Crill, 338-9831 or [email protected].
Time for a show
Not to leave out the tails-and-top hat set, there will be a horseman’s association English, Western and Gaited Horse show July 16 and 17 at the Graham Hill Showgrounds. It is also open to spectators. It sounds like a blast.
For information: Mary Sullivan-White, 425-7352 or [email protected].
After the long rainy season, it will be great to get back on the trails again. Here is a quick tip to help your horse look its best after the long winter break:
It is very hard to make your horse’s coat gleam with dirty brushes. About every other week, pull out your brushes, clean them in a tub of soapy water, spray them with a bleach solution and leave them in the sun to dry.
Cece Kerns, 12, has been riding horses for seven years and has competed in gymkhanas for two years. Her horse, Bella, is an Arabian mare. Cece is home-schooled through Ocean Grove Charter School and lives with her family in Boulder Creek. She can be reached by e-mailing [email protected].
At a glance
Gymkhana (noun) — pronounced “jim-KAH-nah”: Similar to a horse show, riders show their skills in obstacle courses, races and relays. Often, gymkhanas are aimed at kids and ponies, with the main focus being fun and horsemanship.

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