How are your knees? Knees are one of the largest and most complex joints of the body, your knees are crucial to movement, which means protecting knee joints should be a priority. Knees bear your body weight, allowing the full range of motion of your legs, while creating stability.
Your knees make it possible to walk, jump, dance, pedal a bike, climb steps, kick, and sit, all while bearing the weight of our bodies. If we live long enough, many will experience knee problems at some point, but there are ways to minimize the impact of knee problems.
Practicing a healthy lifestyle and good body mechanics may help reduce the risk of development and progression. Strengthening your knees is essential to alleviate potential damage while keeping your body strong and pain free.
Strong knees make a difference in everyday life, while continuing the activities you enjoy. Incorporating knee strengthening exercises into your training routine is vital for a longer quality of life. Strong muscles make a good foundation for healthy joints.
Strengthening builds muscles that support joints and helps absorb some of the pressure placed on the knee joint. To provide the best support for your knee, you should focus on these areas to strengthen: core, hips, thighs (front and back) and calves.
Here are some exercises to strengthen your knees:
- Calf raises
- Hamstring curls
- Leg lifts
- Seated knee extension
- Single leg lunges
- Standing knee flexion
- Step exercises
- Squats
Stretching is also just as important as strengthening. Stretching keeps the muscles and ligaments that support the knee joint flexible and loose, preventing tears that can lead to more damage. Proper stretching can also support the core and hip, and help build strength.
Joints become more stiff with age, increasing your range of motion is key to reducing joint pain. Stretching is also useful during recovery from knee injury or surgeries.
Here are a few tips to support healthy knees:
- Take care in selecting footwear
- Practice good posture
- Pay attention to pain
- Treat injuries promptly
- Protect knees from injury
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Move your body
Bad knees are a part of a large population and can be very debilitating. The stronger and more flexible your knees are, the easier day to day life will be currently and as you age in the future.
Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business, LaMorte Lift. Learn more at LaMorteLift.com.