One of the biggest issues of why many of the population aren’t seeing the results of working out, is because they give up and lose their WHY way too early in the fitness journey. For your body to change, you need to be consistent and not give up when it isn’t “fun” any longer.
What normally happens is you are all in and pumped in the beginning. You start out with a goal in mind then begin your desired program. A matter of time passes, maybe it’s a few weeks or maybe it’s a few months, then your motivation begins to dwindle.
Usually things like this will happen, you aren’t getting the results fast enough, you set unrealistic goals, your fitness routine may begin to impede on your social life, or you simply get bored of training all together. These are all common and understandable reasons to want to quit. But, really try to find the drive to keep going.
Here are some of many examples that may encourage you to keep going when you feel that little voice in your head cheering you to quit.
Work With A Pro
If you can swing it financially, I highly recommend starting with a personal trainer. You will learn how to train the right way, getting you faster results.
Hold Your Why Close
Don’t lose track of why you are being committed to this routine.
Follow Fitness Role Models
You should get more encouragement by seeing fitness posts daily, giving you the boost to stay on track.
Put It In Your Schedule
You will have a higher chance of keeping your training session if it’s on your schedule.
Set A Target Date
Think of a month/date you want to achieve this goal.
Keep Your Alarm Out of Reach
Make yourself physically get out of bed to turn your alarm off. you will have a higher chance to not hit snooze.
Choose Your Time Wisely
Pick a time of day you have the best energy for your training.
Say No To Folks
Don’t get pressured to drop your training to be with friends or whatever will keep you from your routine.
Find Enjoyment In Training
Think of how this time spent training will leave you feeling stronger, lighter, healthier and happier.
Finding the motivation to exercise can be challenging, but if you start with carving out time in your day to make fitness a priority along with keeping your focus on why you are working out. Those results will begin to show themselves. So, the next time you’re thinking about ditching your workout, try one or several of these motivational tips.
Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business, LaMorte Lift. Learn more at LaMorteLift.com.