Stan Wilson (on the left) and Brian Yates at Stanford University Medical Center after the surgery.

Mark your calendars for a fundraising event on October 10th at Bruno’s BBQ to help the two local families that just underwent kidney donation and kidney transplant operations. Reports are that the recipient, Stan Wilson and donor, Craig Yates are doing well after surgery.
The donor, Yates, age 40, and the recipient, Wilson, age 55, have both been coaches for the Scotts Valley Little League and are long-time supporters of the ScottsValley community. Stan and Craig met about four years ago in Scotts Valley Little League. Stan’s son, Connor, and Craig’s son, Zach, played baseball together. Both men shared a passion for coaching and decided, without knowing each other, to coach a team together in their home town.
Due to complications from an accident at age 19, Stan has been suffering from a kidney condition for many years now. He has been in need of a kidney transplant as his kidney function is now below 10 percent. He has been on transplant lists. His siblings do not match well and Stan and his wife, Alison, were simply waiting to see what would transpire. If no matching donor could be found, it could mean lifetime dialysis for Stan.
Craig had heard through his wife, Nikki, that Alison had shared Stan’s situation. Knowing that the average wait time for a kidney is 8 to 10 years, Craig said, “Hey, maybe I should get tested to see if I’m a match.”
After a long testing process traveling back and forth to StanfordUniversityMedicalCenter, it was found that Craig was a match. He offered a kidney to his friend Stan. The odds of finding a perfect match are astronomical and Craig and Stan will soon be connected like never before when Stan gets one of Craig’s kidneys on September 23rd, 2015.
The story is one that is made for the movies since all the stars had to align perfectly in order for things to progress to this point. A fundraiser is being put together to help both families with medical and loss of income costs while they both go through the procedure and recovery.
Stan’s wife, Alison, says, “I’m nervous, but am so grateful for this wonderful and generous gift and sacrifice from Craig. Never have we met more giving people in both Nikki and Craig, with all the time he has taken off from work along with the financial burden to their family as well. These funds raised will help relieve the burden on our husbands for medical costs and time off work so that they can focus on a return to health.  We feel so blessed with the outpouring of support from friends, family and our local community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Bruno’s BBQ is in KingsValleyShopping Center. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. There will be music, raffle prizes, along with wine tasting and dinner. Tickets are $25 per person or $60 per family. For more information and to contribute, contact Rita Snider at: rs*****@co*****.net.

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