With the onset of winter, the rains have come, and the San Lorenzo River recently crested at 5,500 cubic feet per second. The shortest day of winter is behind us, and steelhead should be making their way up the river now.
It is also time to get a new fishing license and mail in the catch report cards for 2010. The local salmon, trout and steelhead hatchery is in dire need of new members.
The heavy rains in mid-December brought the river up to 5,500 CFS and cleaned out leaves and debris while forming a nice channel at the river mouth where it pours into the ocean. Dec. 21 was the winter solstice. I have also noticed that the majority of adult steelhead start their migration after the winter solstice has passed. That, combined with large tides and the river flushing out, bodes well for a good steelhead season.
The Monterey Bay Salmon Trout Project is in need of membership. The hatchery has a combined interest in continuing to enhance stocks for coho salmon, king salmon and steelhead in our local waters. The membership now is about 75 people. As more pressure exists for permits and hatchery space, there is a greater need for members. The MBSTP would like to increase its membership and have a vote among members to determine the public interest in what agenda would be most beneficial for the hatchery to continue operations.
“The hatcheries’ goal has been to recover populations of coho salmon, king salmon, and steelhead with equal efforts to each species,” Larry Wolf, the treasurer, pleaded. “We need the support of our members to continue our operations.”
The membership cost is not as important as the need for more members to join. It is only a $25 tax-deductible donation that can be mailed with your name and address to MBSTP, P.O. Box 417, Davenport, CA 95017.
The New Year will also mark a change for fishing licenses, as California Department of Fish and Game has decided to go electronic for the new license year.
Most local shops will be set up to sell new licenses, and they can also be bought online at dfg.ca.gov. Remember to mail back your 2010 punch cards for steelhead, abalone or sturgeon before the last day of January.
• Mike Baxter has fished in the Monterey Bay Area since he was a boy and has been a licensed charter boat captain for more than 15 years. Contact him at ca************@ya***.com. He also hosts a fishing radio show April through September.