I am a senior citizen who will not recoup my losses suffered with the collapse of the banking industry. Listening to the inquiry into what the multiple causes were, with each individual blaming someone else or another group for playing a part in the banking collapse, angered me.
I think blame accomplishes nothing but more blame. Books are available about those who saw what would happen and got wealthier from this debacle. I am sick of excuses of how ignorant each player in the banking industry was, and I am sick of hearing about the free-market system with no regulation and enforcement being the best system.
We have lived through a depression, and many responsible savers have lost a lot more percentage-wise than any Wall Street person. I want accountability and arrests of those who played a part in the collapse. Strong reforms and strong enforcement would hold banks, mortgage and credit card companies accountable and prevent another collapse. 
It is upsetting that money buys politicians, and they answer to the lobbyists of corporations more readily than they do to citizens. The army of lobbyists knows this and is working to perpetuate reckless behavior by Wall Street. I would like to see “public servants” work for the public.
Marian Disperati, Scotts Valley

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