I am very disappointed in the students and staff of Bethany University. All of the kids have left their dorms for the summer, and when they cleaned out their dorms, one Dumpster was supplied. In it went perfectly good rugs, many couches, good tables and bags full of perfectly good clothing.
This is done every year, and it is such a tragedy that this Christian school has no concept of the people in our community who have so little or nothing and who would benefit greatly from these thrown-away items.
Also, do they not know that there is something called recycling? There were so many plastic water bottles in there that could have not ended up in our landfills to stay forever. What will the campus look like when the new dorms and cafeteria are built? Do you not recycle all year?
We have a Goodwill not far away, recycle bins, many homeless shelters, and hospital clothing closets for patients without. Come on, Bethany University! Give to the poor, and don’t trash the only Earth we have.
Debra ReQua, Scotts Valley

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