I am a resident of San Lorenzo Valley, and wish the rules for air pollution were enforced.
All winter long, I cannot open my windows for fresh air, because there is no fresh air. My neighbors burn wet unseasoned wood, which smokes up my neighborhood.
Your right to burn ends when it pollutes my fresh air.
The backyard burns are the worst. People find whatever they can scrape up to burn in the winter. They burn wet and green wood and waste products of any sort. A fee should be charged for backyard burns, and a fee for woodstove inspections every year to make sure the wood stoves are up to code.
The pollution created is so bad, it should be completely banned in SLV. The wood smoke just sits and lingers for days, and people do not realize all the fresh air created by the trees while they are growing is completely erased, and carbon monoxide and many other seriously bad pollutants are put in the atmosphere for our people and young children to breath. Leaving your child with lung disease and lung problems for the rest of their lives is not something you want to leave for our children.
Wake up, Americans — save our air. Charge fees for all wood burning of any sort.
Rick Goebel, Boulder Creek

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