We in Scotts Valley and the San Lorenzo Valley are so fortunate to have Bruce McPherson running for 5th District supervisor. Bruce has an impressive range of experience and knowledge. Because he has previously served in the California Assembly, Senate and as secretary of state, Bruce understands how Sacramento works. This has got to be a major plus for any member of the county board of supervisors. My thoughts are that what we really need in the 5th District is a supervisor who is responsive, and I know from personal experience that Bruce is. In 1994, my son lay in a coma in a San Jose hospital, unable to receive his short-term disability money because he was unable to endorse the checks. Bruce was an assemblyman at the time, so I contacted his office, and in a very few weeks, he had this law changed for the state of California. We absolutely need Bruce McPherson. Please join me in supporting him.
Jody Cramer, Scotts Valley

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