In support of Carol Carson and her article on cats (“Domestic cats pose serious threat to native wildlife,” March 15, Page 9), just do the math. Let’s say there are 5,000 people in Boulder Creek. Let’s say there are 2,000 outdoor cats in Boulder Creek. Those 2,000 cats each catch and kill one bird a week. Now, 52 weeks times 2,000 birds is 104,000 birds killed in Boulder Creek per year. 
Now go outside. Listen. Do you hear birds? Imagine what it would sound like if you added 104,000 birds for this year, and the year before, and the year before that.
Her point is simple: Keep your cat indoors. At least keep it indoors during the daylight hours in fledging season from February to May. Birds, and your neighbors, will thank you.
Stan Hooper, Boulder Creek

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