This letter is in response to Shannon Weckman’s letter “Contrails or something sinister?” (Letters, Page 6, Feb. 1).
The idea that a contrail is in reality a chemtrail simply because it persists longer than she thinks likely is simply a fairy tale. Contrails are made up of a whole mix of chemistry, due to the fact that they are the exhaust gases emitted from burning jet fuel in a jet engine at high pressure. They contain hydrocarbons, a mix of various additives and water vapor. She should be more worried about what that does to the ozone layer. When that water vapor expands and hits the atmosphere, it can and does condense. The length of time it takes to dissipate depends on many things, including the density, relative humidity and temperature of the air in the particular layer of the atmosphere that the plane happens to be flying through. The visibility of the contrail is also dependent on the location of the sun in relation to the jet and your eye. Flying from one layer of atmosphere to another may cause the contrail to appear to stop instantly, as will flying into the Earth’s shadow so the sun doesn’t reflect off the contrail. High-altitude winds will spread the contrail materials, and if the temperature and humidity conditions remain consistent, the contrail will tend to spread out into wispy-looking clouds.
There is no scientific evidence that anyone is spraying anything in the atmosphere. I challenge Shannon to produce any. She won’t be able to, because there is none. YouTube videos do not comprise scientific evidence. Neither does any undocumented news article on the Internet. Wikipedia, for example, is not considered an academic or scientific source. I request that she please stop passing off hearsay as fact.
When she gets some real science that she can quote, let me know and I’ll happy to listen. Until then, I ask that she keep her rumors to herself.
Larry Cuprys, Felton

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