This winter, have you noticed you or your family experiencing sinus pressure, headaches, runny and itchy eyes, infections, or increased asthmatic conditions?
Did you know the air in Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley has been two to four times cleaner than the air in the San Lorenzo Valley? Does this bother you?
The air you and your children and grandchildren are breathing at recess at school and at home is exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency recommended limits if you live in the San Lorenzo Valley. Is this OK with you? Follow the data at http://air.mbuapcd.org
The air you are breathing in your home is polluted, as 70 percent of this air is entering your home unless you have an air purifier. Do you have an air purifier?
If this does not concern you, please go to http://burningissues.org and read about the health risks of wood smoke.
If you are concerned, you can file complaint with the EPA (http://www.epa.gov/tip/) or with the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District. www.mbuapcd.org.
Donna Smith, Ben Lomond