It is obvious the reason our schools suffer is due to the standard operating procedure of the big government machine in California. Instead of cutting waste, they cut schools, fire and police immediately.
We all know that our dire financial straits are not due to the lack of funds, but due to the government’s refusal to prioritize and cut waste like the “air police” — more than 200 positions at a $50,000 average per-year cost, which makes a cool $10 million. It’s a budget enjoyed by the Bay Area Air Quality Control Commission.
In today’s environment, we cannot afford to wait on, or take the chance of, bond measures or parcel taxes. If the priority is hiring new teachers and keeping the ones that have fought the good fight, as vocalized at the community forum, then we need to act now.
For my second suggestion, maybe the school district could poll the parents of their students to make sure that they are on board for a parcel tax and that the others who rent here in Scotts Valley are willing to participate in the yearly amount of $98.
By getting a 100 percent participation of the parents, I am sure the property owners would have no trouble supporting a parcel tax. This could lead to a double donation by the renter and their landlord.
This would fortify Tom Johnson’s point (“Shortsighted education opposition,” Letters, April 2 Press-Banner) about it benefiting all Scotts Valley citizens. Keeping these funds out of the normal collection cycle by the state would allow us to monitor teacher raises and salaries and make sure the money gets spent on the reason they were raised for.
A confirming point to this would be our California Lotto, which was going to solve all of our educational problems — so may I say, not even!